Wednesday, August 24, 2011

You could be my 'it' girl!

Sua s'dei (that's Cambodian),

So it's the break at the moment. I really need to motivate myself to do the essays etc that are calling my name. Every now and then I do a little bit. ...and I don't have much on at the moment so have time. ...but you know me, I stress out pretty easily. :P

Bri and I got to be hair and make-up models the other day. It took about 4hours but was pretty relaxing...

Ma boyfriend abandoned me for the south island yesterday. I'm sure he'll enjoy that because it's pretty down there. :)
I'll miss the company though.

I had my second shift at Gloria Jeans Coffees. It was MUCH better than the trial day. I had my cheat sheet for making the food wich was my savour (the managers had nevr seen one before, I swear)
Didn't stuff up as much. ...though I did repeat someones order saying 'English tea muffin', but at least she thought it was funny!
My next shifts are the 2nd and 3rd. Which is a quite a break - hopefully I don't forget everything!!!!

I am excited to show Richard the present I got him when he arrives back in Welly!

I think frozen L&P is pretty good, despite popular opinion. I say, try it and make your own mind up.

Hanging out with an old friend today. Should be interesting.

Was thinking of going up to Aucks for a bit next month but will prolly wait till after uni in Nov.


Thursday, August 18, 2011



I went grocery shopping last night. It was kind of fun. :)

Found out when my exams are, my last one is Nov 9. All of mine are pretty well spaced which is good. ...but I think I may go out of my mind with boredom between exams.

The summer break will be different, with Thailand and Aussie, and of course some time in NZ. :]

Helped Chris proof his essay today. Man it's so much easieproofing other people's work than your own! I think because you can tear it apart without hurting your own feelings, plus of course you see and give a new perspective to the work.

Got a job trial at GJ Coffees tomorrow morning. Which means I have to up early. Blergh. But at least it's only like 5.30am instead of like 3.30am when I was at Disney! Hopefully it will go OK.
Makes me miss working at Disney though, because the mid set of the guests was fun to wor with.

Drinks/clubbing it he evening as a reward to doing the trial. haha. =]

Uhm, yeah I'm tired.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Funny memories come out of nowhere

Hallo! (that's Dutch!)

I've been studying for an exam I have today. Made lots of summaries etc. I understand everything, just hope I can remember it tomorrow!! Hate

It snowed today! In Wellington!!!! So weird! Global cooling?!

Stupid viruses. They are wrecking havoc. My roomie got a super bad one today and it won't let her even go on normal mode without shutting down. :/

Love the breakfasts on Sndays - cooked! Eggs/sausages etc :D yumyum.

My roomie did my make-up avantguard style today. The eyelashes were so heavy and it felt like I couldn't open them properly! It was quite crazy looking...

So I found a book from my 'sweet 16th' where people had a 'page' they could decorate. I found Chris's and one of the things on it is
"Her name is spelt with an extra E. If you forget to add it, she won't be glee"
and that totally cracked me up :P
"Kimberley, she is quite neat, she really doesn't smell of feet" hahaha
"she is the coolest of them all, with hair like leaves of fall"
then also:
"Overall she is super cool, if she she was a queen she would really rule!"

After that I had this weird flashback and I remembered how Chris once wrote me a story via txt. Dad and I were in a traffic jam and he wrote it to me to cheer me up. I remember it was about us going on an adventure. We found treasure and were invited to a banquet and Ball by a King. It was funny. ...and I remember him saying I was pretty in it too. :]

Oh man, what a friend. <3


Saturday, August 13, 2011

In loving memory...

Hello again, world.

Why the absence?

Well, mostly it's because of a very sad happening that occured.

My ballroom/latin dance partner/long time friend (from primary school) passed away on the 4th.
He was a beautiful, loving, happy go lucky young man who will be sorely missed.

Will never forget him.

This is what I wrote about him, for those who haven't seen it already (skip past it if you have):


Memories of Chris (flicking through the scrapbook in my mind)

Looking through the pictures,
flicking through my mind
I remember your kind and vivacious spirit

When you were around the room became livelier
When you were there people smiled
And when you were there I was happier

I recall primary school
You wore the same sweater all the time
You liked to play in the quad with friends

I remember once I was on your team but then I turned against you
You were grumpy, but you forgave me

I remember you at my parties
You had a crazy amount of energy
You had these weird made up sayings
That you’d go through phases in using
I always wondered why you did that
But it’s something I won’t forget

In those days
Your voice hadn’t broken yet
I even remember you singing
I have it recorded
You loved the camera then
And you never grew out of that

I remember the giant Easter egg you got me
…and when you went overseas you’d bring me something back
I still have the jewellery you got me
I remember you when I wear it
I used that Paris bag until it broke

I remember hanging out
We didn’t need to do anything
The company was enough

We talked for hours about nothing
We played DDR and you showed me your rubix cube skills

One day you wanted to show me
how to make goo
..Except we had green MnM’s
And that had my sole attention
You tried to guard them
But slowly they disappeared

We chased a rabbit once
It kind of drove you crazy…

We were on a train that was full
So we sat on the steps.

You made me a CD,
I still have it

You wrote me letters
I still treasure them

You took me four wheel driving
I was scared half to death
And although it was thrilling
I think I prefer normal driving

Once before a dance
We were practicing in your cul-de-sac
Only for a short time
But I still managed to get burnt
I went to the dance like a lobster
But it didn’t matter to you

You helped me become more confident
We grew together in our love for dance
You protected me from scary people
You were always proud to show me off
I felt special

...and only wanted to dance with you

You were an amazing dancer
I remember watching your exams
I remember competing with you

You went to my Balls
And I went to yours
I loved the corsage you made me
And the way your Mum made sure our colours matched
We were the only ones dancing
Ballroom and Latin
and we certain got their attention

We helped teach your neighbours how to dance
for their wedding
We weren’t even certified
but I think we did a great job

You came as Mickey Mouse to my 18th
You were at girly sleepovers
You made friends with my puppy
Everyone loved you

You went shopping with me
We had frozen coke -
How you loved frozen coke!

You came with me for New Years
So I wouldn’t be alone
You hurt yourself and we had to go to the hospital
It was a strange way to pass the time,
But you made friends with the nurse
and I think we grew stronger

You gave me advice
Because I was shy
and I've tried to live by your words

You looked out for me when I needed help
you made me feel safe

Your hugs were unbeatable
And I’ve tried to pass on that legacy
I thought of you like a brother

You saw me off at the airport,
Before my big adventure
I was looking forward to seeing you in the uni break
To catching up with everything I’d missed
And telling you about Disney
But that was the last time I got to see you

Last night I wanted to feel you again
I danced, and you came
I felt the music course through me
And I could see you,
your huge grin,
your practiced frame.
I held your coarse hands
You span me around.
I could feel your muscles
I could feel your warmth
And you ‘dance flirted’ with me
For old times sake
I knew when you were confused or about to make a mistake
You knew when I made errors too
Yes, you were there with me

You made me laugh
You made me cry
You made me a better person

Every time I see your face,
I may shed a tear
But inside I’m smiling
because I know you’re there

On my mind
within my pictures
Inside my heart.

Love you forever, brother.


It's been a sad time, but I've been coping the best I can. My BF (who oddly enough is also called Chris (yes, I killed the alias, but doesn't really matter anymore...) has been helping to distract my mind from it.

Is it possible that spirits exist, I wonder?
Last night I had this dream. Chris (my friend) came and sat next to me (I was watching something with a whole bunch of people around me). We had this really random conversation but I was laughing so he was obviously being his usual happy self.
In the end he stood up and left despite my internal protests. But it was like this innate knowledge between us that we had to part.
It was as if he came to visit me to show he was doing OK and that he cares, and to remember him as the happy person he was.

Possible that it was mre than a dream? Did his spirit visit me in my sleep?
Who knows....

I hope he visits again, but I guess he has lot of friends to visit so may be while... ;)

His memorial service is this tuesday. I'm going with Bri and Richard (who is flying up - YAY!).
Luckily I talked to my lecturer and she's letting me sit the exam a day early (yay me) so I can go to it.

Toay I went for a long walk to hand in my POLS essay only to get really MAD because the place was closed. So the only time I can do it is monday MORNING. Argh. LAME.
Why can't the lecturer make it so we can deposit our essays at the campus where everything IS. ...including our lectures!!! ARGH. Stupid.

My throat is doing weird things. It keeps hurting on and off. Driving me crazy.

Uhm. Yeah.
That's all for now!

RIP Chris M.


Friday, August 5, 2011

Cleaning makes you feel accomplished

Ma kore! (that's Hebrew, ya'l!)

Went to a protest yesterday. It was exciting because I'd never been to one (or bothered to be passionate enough to want to participate in one!)
It was like my I wa staying true to what I was studying in uni! Politics for the win! :D
Why did this particular protest stand out?
Because the uni is being dumb and wanting to get rid of lots of choice in our INTP/POLS/DEVE programmes - and that drectly affects me! I don't wnt only a few papers to choose from. I don't want the focus to be realism! I quite enjoy the realist papers and ones not on guns and bombs!!
It was more complicated than that too, but I just was angry that they were going to destroy such a reputable pogramme - and destro my majors at the same time.
Blasted bureaucracy! ;) hahaha (oh how I am relating my POLS course to everyday life!)

Soooo I've been workig hard on my POLS assignment and my INTP assignment.

After many edits and research I THINK I have final drafts of them both. Yay! Good thing too, cos they're due next week! Not that I don't have some time, but you know how type A's are, always trying to get all done ASAP so that one can move onto the next task. ...which would be study for the INTP test that's coming up.... :/ Eeek. Considering we only have one lectre a week for that and we've spent a lot of it watching documentarys and the like, I am curious as to how I am going to study for it...

I guess I'll come up with something. The main thing is that a lot of the concepts in that course I've already done before so I can draw on prior knowledge if necessary!

Had a fun night last night with my roomie, her guy and my BF. We went bowling (MAN do I need PRACTICE!!) and had cooktails. Later my BF and I went to see our Geo teacher sing at Hotel Bristol. I was awesome, I love how he plays harmonica! Very passionate.

Went to Zumba with Bri on Wed, had a great time! :D Didn't go to dacing after (don't kill me Richard!) because I was STRESSING out. It was about my INTP assignment. After re-reading it I FREAKED out because I thought I had to re-start it since I hadn't FULLY answered the question. However, after much thought I found a way around it and am now more confident about it. In fact I think my thesis is stronger because it is more refined. Of course, it's not a thesis statement I would fully support in real life (as opposed to essay life ahaha), but I guess I'm playing devils advocate for once. Of course, I can include the other side in my essay also, but basically I'm going to be argueing for what I normally would protest. We shall see how this goes.... I guess as long as I hav an arguement that makes sense it should be good, yeah? I mean people are always debatin both sides of everything....

Ok about to go out shopping to help the BF choose what to wear to the BALL tomorrow!!! Woo!

Omg and super excited that he's taking me on an actual SPECIFIED date sunday. :P There is a difference, right? I mean a DATE is more structured and romantic? I guess you could argue that hanging out could be a date, but the romantic in me says no!!! I like romance, so romance me! ;)
There's a difference, right? Someone back me up here! :P

This song is love at the moment:


Monday, August 1, 2011

Study...or fun?

Dear world,

So last weekend was fun. I really thought I'd be so bored and studious here in NZ by myself, but turns out I have the ability to find distraction easily!

Not only am I enjoying hanging out with ma new BF (which seems to take a lot of time out my life haha) but with my roomie and friends I can't say I'm getting as much done as I would like.

Granted, I still probaby do more than most uni students, but I'm kind of getting mad at myself. Espesh when I have so much reading to do with these social science type subjects!

Then today I decided to sort out the question of the double degree.
After talking to a very knowledgable lady I came to the conclusion that a double degree would not be in my best interests, rather doing a Masters after I finish this degree would be more advisable. Apparantly a double degree doesn't mean anything (it used to) - post-grad does. ....and then Masters (2.5 years) is far more vauable then Honours (1 year).

..and after looking at wha papers I have done/am doing I am now somewhat confused because I'm not sure what the possibilities for cross-over papers are. So I emailed someone who I am helping can help me...? I really want to figure this all out. I think I may have to do 8 papers next year instead of 6 to be able to meet all the requirements.. Hmm.... confusingness!!!

Also the applications for Halls opened today. Not too many options are avaiable but if I want free food and funding I'm just going to hope things turn out....

Ok. Back to the mountain of reading that I have... dinner. :) Plus socialising. LOL

..have a cocktail catch up tomorrow with another friend too XD
Plus, the BALL is this Saturday (got my dress sorted :D)!!!


P.s - Richard isn't it funny how we have this weird thing in common now that we discuss??? haha