Monday, August 1, 2011

Study...or fun?

Dear world,

So last weekend was fun. I really thought I'd be so bored and studious here in NZ by myself, but turns out I have the ability to find distraction easily!

Not only am I enjoying hanging out with ma new BF (which seems to take a lot of time out my life haha) but with my roomie and friends I can't say I'm getting as much done as I would like.

Granted, I still probaby do more than most uni students, but I'm kind of getting mad at myself. Espesh when I have so much reading to do with these social science type subjects!

Then today I decided to sort out the question of the double degree.
After talking to a very knowledgable lady I came to the conclusion that a double degree would not be in my best interests, rather doing a Masters after I finish this degree would be more advisable. Apparantly a double degree doesn't mean anything (it used to) - post-grad does. ....and then Masters (2.5 years) is far more vauable then Honours (1 year).

..and after looking at wha papers I have done/am doing I am now somewhat confused because I'm not sure what the possibilities for cross-over papers are. So I emailed someone who I am helping can help me...? I really want to figure this all out. I think I may have to do 8 papers next year instead of 6 to be able to meet all the requirements.. Hmm.... confusingness!!!

Also the applications for Halls opened today. Not too many options are avaiable but if I want free food and funding I'm just going to hope things turn out....

Ok. Back to the mountain of reading that I have... dinner. :) Plus socialising. LOL

..have a cocktail catch up tomorrow with another friend too XD
Plus, the BALL is this Saturday (got my dress sorted :D)!!!


P.s - Richard isn't it funny how we have this weird thing in common now that we discuss??? haha

1 comment:

  1. I choose fun, with a bit of study... Got to keep the balance somewhere :P

    Haha, you're official then? Except on FB lol :P Yeah, time does seem to fly now :P

    I'm starting to get more assignments now, which are beginning to pile up... I wanted to write my notes neatly into an exercise book, but I don't think that's going to be practical any more :/

    I hope you get your degree questions sorted out. In other countries now it's not enough to have done an engineering degree - some companies now prefer or even require you to have done a masters as well...

    I hope things turn out well for you in regards to halls :)

    Yay! I want to see the Ball photos asap afterwards please! :D

    Ttyl xx

    ~Richard :)

    PS - I would say frikkin awesome! As opposed to weird lol :P ... I'm happy now for the both of us ^_^
