Friday, July 29, 2011

Eggs benedict with your Notebook?

Talofa lava,

Had an eventful few days. :)

Quickly, because I have an event to rush off to and some uni work to do:

Ok. So been hanging out with my Geo class mate a lot. ...and he asked me out. :) So yeah, that's been fun. I am enjoying showing him around Welly. He's also pretty nice company. ^_^

Uni is going ok. Notoverly dficul. Danr this ssay though. It taking me ages and then I also have to start anoher essay proposal thing...!

Got an awesome postcard from a cast member I worked with. :D I love mail!

Flatwarming tonight at Bri's new place.


1 comment:

  1. Heya

    Sorry, but I haven't been keeping up the comments lately. I've been reading your posts though, promise! I've just been a bit busy too :P

    I'm glad you're happy :)

    Yay! For mail... I should really get around to sending you some...

    Can you translate this sentence, please:

    "Danr this ssay though."

    I can't work it out, even with context! :/

    Hope you had fun at Bri's :)


    ~Richard :)
