Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Post this, post that...


Today I couldn't concentrate too well. I tried to figure out why and I think it probably has something to do with the fact I didn't have chocolate all day. Which is probably like some kind of withdrawl symptom?
Dinner had a chocolate dessert though so I guess I cn test this theory by seeing if in fact I feel better soon...

My arms hurt!
Why is that? I know why... That horrible X55 thing!

I tried it yesterday and man that thing was intense. I mean, I knew from the instructor it would be because I had had her before and she is scary and has high expectations.
But MAN. It really hurts today.
Hopefully I'll be good by tomorrow because I wanna do Zumba and salsa!

Today at uni my brain was not working. I couldn't remember a lot of stuff. It's frustrating because I read so much but can't retain it. ...and I can't read things more than once or else I'd never get through anything! Good thing I take notes etc but still...WHY does my memory have to be so terrible?! Ergh.

Oh! And I have to figure out where I can print things?! How annoying, I hate not having easy access to a printer. :(

I tried to start brainstorming about my first essay. It ended up in lots of words on the page but I'm not really sure if they make sense?
Hopefully my mind will clear and I'll see what scary/miraculous things I came up with...

Oh. In my (first)tute today and in class all these terms were mentioned. Now, it wasn't just me who was lost, but ohmygoodness. So many terms like "post modern" and "post development" that make me stare into blank spaces and try to hide. :P
Let's discover what at least these two mean...

Postmodernism is a movement away from the viewpoint of modernism. More specifically it is a tendency in contemporary culture characterized by the problem of objective truth and inherent suspicion towards global cultural narrative or meta-narrative. It involves the belief that many, if not all, apparent realities are only social constructs, as they are subject to change inherent to time and place. It emphasizes the role of language, power relations, and motivations; in particular it attacks the use of sharp classifications such as male versus female, straight versus gay, white versus black, and imperial versus colonial. Rather, it holds realities to be plural and relative, and dependent on who the interested parties are and what their interests consist in. It attempts to problematise modernist overconfidence, by drawing into sharp contrast the difference between how confident speakers are of their positions versus how confident they need to be to serve their supposed purposes. Postmodernism has influenced many cultural fields, including literary criticism, sociology, linguistics, architecture, anthropology, visual arts, and music.

Let's see...
A group of people who think the philosopher dudes who talked about modernity are out of date. They think nothing should be set in stone or characterised because things are fluid/more complicated than that?
They want to be P.C and not hurt anyones feelings?
....yeah, still confused. Anyone want to help me an take a crack at it - explaining in easy to understand terminology that won't further hurt my brain?


Postdevelopment theory (also post-development, or anti-development) holds that the whole concept and practice of development is a reflection of Western-Northern hegemony over the rest of the world. Postdevelopment thought arose in the 1980s out of criticisms being voiced against development projects and the development theory used to justify them.

---> Both from Wiki.

That makes more sense... It's a group of people saying that we need to stop looking at development in Western terms!

Ergh. Right now though it pretty much looks like a bunch of BLAH. Words on a page/screen that jumble up and don't make sense. :(

By the way! Is it still considered jet lag if every night I am tired by 9ish? I have been unable to keep awake so go to sleep at 9.30-10.30 every night!

Anyway....off to try and do something productive.


p.s congrats to Richard, you know why :)


  1. Lol, you have chocolate withdrawal???

    So what *was* X55? Yay! Salsa! :D

    Hmmm, you could buy a printer. But that'd be $100 or so, plus ink... Uni should have printers for you.

    Ok... I'm going to need a bit more sleep to understand what that is all about... :/

    Hmmm, an early night's always good. But wouldn't it depend on what time you wake up in the morning? Like, 4am instead of 7am? I suppose you could also tell from how tired you were during the day... :/

    Thanks ;)

  2. Uni has printers, you load money onto your student ID card at the kiosks in the library by the desk, then you need to use a uni computer, and press print, it should say "followme" and when you're ready to collect your items, go to a printed and swipe your card, and it will print all your stuff at once. :)

  3. Richard - yes, I need chocolate every day!

    X55 is a group class that was aerobic, step, ground, weights and physical. It was tiring!!!

    I wake up round 7-8am every day with my alarm....

    Hanna - thanks :) ...though it till sucks how I have to go on a uni compter al the time to do that.
