Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I came to dance dance dance...

Wow my feet hurt.

I guess it's not surprising though because I had a full on da of dace exercise!

After my Geo class today I met up with Bri and we had a nice catch-up. She had to go to her classes and so I studied in he library (finally finished the intense 50page Geo reading!). After that it was time for Zumba! I had never properly done Zumba (the DVD version is hard and not my thing..) so I was excited to see what this crazy was all about!

I'd have to say I understand why it is so popular! It's so energetic and fun! Lots of latin influence too which I loved :D Also, it is easy enough to follow. :) It also helped that the teacher was crazy and full of energy. However, talk about pomoting sexual movements! Aye yei yei

After Zumba I was going to get the bus home bus I couldn't be wating 20mins inth cold so I walked. ...and I found out it only takes me 10mins to walk back from uni! Yay!
When I got back I had a shower and the headed out again straight away. I then walked to the place where the salsa dance clases were being held and joined in with the intermediate class. I realised I wasn't too rusty and that I could probably try advanced. I think I did ok. I mean if they showed the move and didn't just go straight into it then I was fine. When I didn't know it I picked it up pretty fast. So glad I haven't lost the feel of how it all works. :)

At the end of each class the teacher did rueda. I don't have much experience in rueda but so long as the guys led me I picked it up fine. I even knew some moves after. :)
I only got stuck on a few more complicated moves that I hadn't seen before.

At the end of all that myfeet hurt but I saw a friend who I danced a competition with, so I social danced for a bit. :) It was great. It felt so wonderful freestyling like that. :D I didn't make many mistakes either!

So all in all I danced for but 3hours and 15mins today. haha. Go me. Yay for exercise!

Other than all that I went to the bank and post office - and my friend let me borrow a blanket cos I am getting a cold and not adjusting too well to the temperature here. Not to mention our heaters SUCK (they turn on and off on about a 15min timer and do nothing).

Anyway, super tired.
Will study more tomorrow. Yup.


1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, maybe I should try a zumba class...

    Hmmm, get a hot water bottle and have some lemon and honey drinks.
