Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Moved in...

Phew. That was hard work.

This place is seriously tiny and I have a lot of clothes especially. I managed to fit everything somewhere, but there is still a box of clothes I have no idea what to do with! Someone refrain me from buying any more tops. I have a crazy ridiculous amount. Probably about 60!

Garage/trade-me sale anyone?! Or I could just donate it all I guess…

My room cannot be larger than 3meters across. …and it sucks that my roomie has a bigger space and less stuff… :/
But I have to say my experience with her so far has been good. She seems pretty nice and accommodating.

So tired…

The cold is so hard to deal with. It’s making me cranky. XD Seriously after being in Florida I resent feeling like my body is a shivering iceberg!

Oh, and I really feel the whole poor student thing now. For one thing I hate feeling in debt and I know most students are that way and have lots of loans etc, but I tried to avoid that cos it was like this evil thing hanging over me. However, now I have to support myself totally and have lots of extra expenses, I have to resort to loans etc. Not happy about it but I don’t really have a choice. I got to the point after the $466(outrageous!) textbook purchase where I had about $25 to my name! Ha! Go me.

But it’s ok. It will get better. Good thing I have my food sorted and hopefully Dad’s work can help me out at some point…

My first lecture was Geography, and it was pretty awesome. The lecturer loves music and that makes me happy. He’s british, which I would usually be cautious of cos the accent can get on my nerves, but he’s actually nice and pretty entertaining. :)

At the end of the lecture everyone (including me) ran to the Geography offices to sign up for tutorials. It was crazy; about 300 of us rushing to grab the time we wanted. Of course this is when long legs and fast walking skills come in handy. I managed to get a good tute time. Or at least it appears good. It really depends how the other subjects tutes fall…

Omgoodness. So, Cumberland House is definitely nice and much nicer than a lot of others but I felt somewhat upset that we have to pay for internet on top of the crazy prices we have to pay to stay in our shoebox accommodation!
I mean at uni it is free and I could just use it there but then when I have assignments etc I kind of need it. Plus I like the idea of coming home and being able to go online or Skype!

I asked my Hall about the room change (from single to having a roomie) and I was right! They changed it without telling me and I was overcharged. Not that they are refunding me, no, they are just putting it towards the next payment installment!
I am glad I get a roomie though. It means I am not totally alone and also ensuites are so much better than communal facilities… This floor is also the newest which is nice.

I had my first experience with Hall food tonight. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it is pretty good! The quality was pretty impressive, and it was reasonably healthy too. ^_^

I want to thank my wonderful male helpers for helping me move into my new place and being wonderful to me. :)

Oh I think I managed to get a casual job at Gloria Jeans Coffees… go me. Haha. But the casualness of it is a little crazy. Hopefully they will contact me soon…


1 comment:

  1. Your room's about the same size as my one in Wgtn, so I can sympathise with you :P

    Lol, so you love American accents, but British ones annoy you?

    Haha, I remember signing up for tutorials in 1st year. But that was a mad rush to get to a computer instead, since signups were online.

    Hmmm, I was wondering what the deal was with intnet. Tis the same with the UC halls :/ Mind you in a flat we've always shared it and paid it using the flat account.

    Lame halls. They prob didn't want to bother telling you cos you were in Fl...

    You're not totally alone anyway :)

    You're welcome ^^

    ~Richard :)
