Tuesday, July 26, 2011

There's something about the sunshine baby!

Guten Tag!

There was a big powercut today. Our lecture theatre turned pitch black. Was quite interesting. Made me think about how reliant we are on electricity...
Our lectrer didn't know how to react so he just started telling us random stories, and when he didn't have any more he just said we could go! Of course we were all fine with that. ;)

After the power went back on I went to grab a computer to print some things (ahh you see, smart tactic cos the computers had been abandoned!). It's weird how that system works, but luckily easy. I was happy to see the $ I had put on my card 2 years ago was still there! Woo!

Today I was in the library and the BEAUTIFUL sunshine not only was warming but it made my brain happy! Yes, I suddenly had this amazing flow of thoughts for my essay! :D

My second lecture was long, but we got to watch a movie about coffee production (Black Gold) for half of it! Was a nice break. Yup. :P Plus, who doesn't want to watch a manager of the first Starbucks make a fool out of herself?!
It was also easy and I even answer question in front of everyone in the class :D

OH and it was also funny when the lecturer (who is Canadian) put up an ad which she didn't know much about. When we all laughed she was so lost!
Basically she was advertiing for an event and she said "apparantly there are some great guest speakers!" and then scrolled down to reveal "guest speakers Hone Harawira.."
Ahh, Canadians. ;)
OH! We had another moment with her last lecture too! Apparantly she didn't know NZ has a really bad teen promiscuity thing going on..

Now, I don't read Salient (the uni magazine) because the first and (was going to be) only time I dd I thought it was utter rubbish. However, I was in my INTP lecture (which wasn't exctiting cos we had already talked about all she was saying in GEO, ut at least we got to watch a movie about coffee!) ad the guy next tome was saying that he doesn't like Salient but this one was "a gem!"
So I picked up a copy and flicked through it.

Most of it was pretty dumb, but this one tidbit did make me laugh...
You basically have to be a politics student to get this, but:
"Am I freaking out? I can hear a bird. Can you hear a bird? There is a bird? We really are in the State of Nature!" (INTP lecturer that I don't have)

Students who write this (and read it!), from what I understand after reading this magazine, don't spend their time very wisely!

Dinner tonight was pretty average as usual - but we had a laugh fest which was good. :P Me and my roomie laugh a lot. :D

Oh - and these people crashed our INTP lecture today. I actually was interested in what they were saying.
They were advertising:

...and actually I think it would be pretty cool to do one in Brazil or something... ;) Wish Chile or something was an option though... At least I could understand a little Spanish - no clue about Portugese!!

...and it's quite development studies like...so ya never know! I'll keep an eye on it - maybe next year's summer break...?

Study time...


1 comment:

  1. Lol, silly Canadian :P

    Oh yup. OE+ have been around UC since I started or earlier. I'm a bit surprised you haven't heard of it before...
