Sunday, July 10, 2011

A new beginning...

Welcome (Kia Ora!) to my new blog. :)

I started this blog after I finished typing up my last blog ( entry for my Disney ICP blog. That was all about my year abroad working in Florida for Disney World, but since that is now over I figure I would start afresh. I enjoy writing and it is also a good way to keep friends and family updated on my whereabouts. :)

A few hours ago I arrived back in Kiwiland (Aotearoa, New Zealand, land of the long white cloud…etc) after a long arduous journey from the USA.

The flight was okay, other than the fact that my ankles and wrists swelled up. I sat next to a pretty nice lady which was also good. Funny thing was that she was also from Wellington but I couldn’t pick up on her accent. Yes, I thought she was from Australia (oops!).

The flight was long but luckily there were no babies or little kids to keep me awake! I managed to get about 4-5hours sleep. Which wasn’t the best but better than nothing.

The sunrise from the plane was very beautiful, but when I saw NZ for the time I had a little heart attack. It was very pretty (yay endless amounts of green and water!), but it definitely was a finality thing. As in, in was now at home and had a million things to do! Plus, lots of uni work. No more brain holiday (or Disney bubble) for me, that’s for sure…

The airport process was pretty easy when I arrived. I mean its as if they use an honesty policy (and cute beagle sniffing dogs!). You don’t even need to go through an x-ray!
There is a new system set up for travellers with the new type of NZ/Aussie passport too. So all I have to do is go to a machine, put my passport in and smile for a camera! :P

After coming through the arrival gates this is what I have immediately [re]noticed so far…

The weather is dreary
the food is awesome,
the people speak 'normally' (the lady on the plane sounded like Helen Clark!),
the cars drive on the other side,
the date is a different format,
healthy food is everywhere,
it’s windy,
pretty green-ness and pohutukawa trees!
Everyone has been friendly so far :)
Security checks/airport procedures are much easier and nicer
Air NZ rocks…and so does their safety video :P
NZ money is so pretty and not having $1 bills threw me off for a second when I was waiting for change.
LIFT PLUS exists here!!!

My aunt and uncle surprised me by miraculously finding me there! Good thing I was wearing my Mickey Ears.

Oh, and Michael met me at the airport which was awesome! He then showed me where the showers were and I had one which was wonnnnderful. :D After, my aunt and uncle helped me to set up my NZ phone again and then Michael and I had a friendly game of mini-golf (which of course I won ;) )

I am fond of Michaels iPad. Yes, it’s quite impressive. Oh and it is shiny. ;)

The Air NZ plane I am sitting on is so cute! The staff are also very friendly.
…and Tana Umunga (famous rugby player)is on this plane!!

I’ll be in Welly in an hour! See ya soon Richard!
…back to NZ life…



  1. Heya! :D

    Did you try airplane exercises for your feet on the plane?

    4-5 hours seems like a good sleep. I could prob only manage 2 on a plane :/

    Haha, I remember the dogs when I came back from Tahiti. They were pretty cool :P

    Lift Plus has caffeine! :D Weren't you glad I had a whole box of it when you got off the plane? :P


    ~Richard :)

  2. Heya :)

    I tried moving my legs alot but it wasn't overly successful. I guess yo cant do them when yo sleep anyway..

    Haha, yes very glad for the caffine hit Richard ;)
