Friday, July 15, 2011

Skyping is good fun :)

Hey ya'll

So last night I had the most epic Skype convo ever with "Obi Wan"(aka Richard) haha. 4hrs 48mins and 4secs! Ahh was good to catch up. Obviously after over a year there is much to say. :) Ahhh Richard you're awesome.
That was way more fun that the 'B' party I was invited to..

Uni is okay. I actually was pretty bold and sent an e-mail to my lecturer (he is kind of scary and I didn't really want to approach him with what I was thinking becuase I wanted to think it out properly and try to put it in a nice way...) telling him about how I was finding his class. Basically I wanted to get across hat I was struggling to understand where he was going with his lecturers. They kind of don't have direction and I feel lost. Now, I was fully expecting him to be like "come to my office to discuss this with me" but he actually took the feedback well and thanked me. :) So that was good. Hopefully things will get better with that subject.

Other than that situation I like my Geo lectures a lot. I swear pretty much all Geo lecturers are wonderful! They have more passion and enthusiasm than a lot of others.

Darn this cold. It's so annoying. I can't read because my eyes blur over the pages and I can't concentrate because my head is all foggy.

Funny story though.
After uni yesterday I decided to walk along the Terrace to get to Lambton so I could go to a pharmacy an get medicine.
The lady who helped me was kind of odd bt seemed nice. When I explained what I wanted she recommended some pills. They seemed fine and everything and then she went on to say they are going ff the market soon because there's an ingredient in them that people use to make P!
WHAAAAT?! Why would you tell me that, seriously?!
Straaaange woman.

Oh another random thing - when I walked down from the terrace who do I see? My roomie! lol!
She decided to tag along so we hung out for a bit. I even helped her shop a bit. ;)

Ok. So I am going to put in a good effort of study today. I was even thinking about starting one of my essays! Keen much!? :P

IT'S NOT RAINING! Yay(though it's still FREEZING)! May go out for a walk at some point.
No lectures today because I only have someting on Fridays every 2nd week! WOO! :P

At some point I need to send some more things via mail though, for one thing I don't want Liz from CBR thinking I forgot about her! ;)

Want to see HP soon...

Bye ya'll, take care


  1. Heya.

    Skyping IS good fun :) But *that* was an epically long chat XD

    It's great when lecturers are enthusiastic about their subject. Though some go a bit far when they call IVPs and BVPs vanilla and chocolate flavoured (initial and boundary value problems in maths), lol XP

    If you're polite and somewhat formal to lecturers, then they're pretty willing to listen :)

    What kind of shopping did you do?

    Lucky you! No lectures on Fridays?? Friggin BAs lol :P

    It's not raining in Chch either lol :P Though it's pretty cold outside. I expect to see the grass frosty soon.

    I do to, but I need to see part 1 first...

    Take care, hope your cold goes away :)

    ~Richard :)

  2. oh she needed a new make-up bag...

    Yeeeah BAs are awesome ;)


  3. You don't have to go far for a pharmacy - right across the road from Ed House is a pharmacy. It's got purple on the outside of it. It's also a shop. You don't' need to go so far! :)
