Monday, July 18, 2011

To double or to not...that is the question

Hey ya'll

So after the lovely conversation that I had with my friend yesterday one thing was brought to my attention.

Uh, I could get a single egree with a triple major, or I could get a double degree. Which sounds more impressive? Uhm, the double degree, of course!

I am waiting on a response from uni, but basically the main thing that was like ** was that in a Bsc (bachelor of science) you don't have to do just SCIENCE papers. I didn't know that geography/development studies could be considered under a Bsc!! Ahh, revelation! No BIO/CHEM etc papers for me, no!!

So I could pretty easily transfer everything into a double degree (so a BA in POLS/INTP and Bsc in DEVE). Ha.

Of course that would prolly add on an extra year of uni or something. ...which is depressing in that I would prolly have to stay in NZ coldness for longer (the again, maybe I coud really look into that overseas exchage thing if I were to do this, maybe that could be an incentive). ...but it sounds way more awesome and I mean if I already have done most of th work, why not end up with something that is way fancier?!

I mean, I still want to do a masters in something too (probably something Development studies related cos its my favourite subject)... hmmm. Decisions....

I will see what reply I get from Vic, but I'm kind of excited that might be a possibility?

Right now though, I am reading about Bureaucracy. This book is at least readable. I swear that other gross green book I will just avoid from now on. ...and I am thinking about starting my brainstorming for myfirst essay! Yay! I love starting essays. It's weirdly exciting (I'm a strange creature, yes). Of course that wears off when you can't find what you want/you write a whole essay only to realise you didn't even answer the question/you have to source everything/you have to worry about the word limit....
But, for now I will revel in the fun of -starting- it. ;)

My Geo lecture today was cool. I very much like his teaching style. Oh and the fact he likes to play music (this weeks theme is Easter Island music) and interact with us is very good. I shall have to compliment him on his awesomeness later in the course.
I hear he even sings us a song at some point haha. ^_^

At 4.30pm there is a gym class called X55. I am going to try it and see what I think...
It looks intense but I'm going to keep an open mind. ...and if I don't like it I'll just stick to ZUMBA. :) ...and salsa classes and walking up that awful steep hill to get to uni (when it's not raining). Yay for exercise!

I am taking volunteers for proof reading and looking over my essays. hehe. I do have at least one that I know of so that's awesome. :D

Okay, back to study...


  1. A double degree sounds way more impressive. You might as well go for it, since you have done most of it.

  2. Yeah they are auditig my degree at the moment to see what I would have to do.... :) So I shall let ya'll knwo when I do - apparantly it takes 10days...
