Sunday, July 10, 2011


Can I just say...

Whhhhy is everything closed on a weekend in NZ!?! How did I not notice this before?

So much to do and seriously NO time to do it!

How weird is it that Uni starts back again tomorrow? I only have one lecture, but it's still super strange!

I am doing 3 papers this tri(mester) (the most you should do is 4...and once I get back into things I may do 4 next tri). One is a political science paper, one is international relations and one is geography of development!

I am quite excited to start them, but I still don't have my books and that may be a problem since I can't even find out which books I need. I will just have to get them tomorrow (though by that time I bet they will have sold out of what I need...).

Oh, and I need a new student ID card since mine has expired...
...and I need to go to the bank (how are they closed on a weekend?!).

I managed to get my things from one of the 3 people's houses. So that was good. Goodness know when I can get the rest. Not that I really want to, I have so much and no room in the tiny apartment I am in!

Oh, and on that subject. I was told (and I paid for - need to talk to them cos I think I over-paid) an apartment where I would have the room to myself.
When I went yesterday (luckily the office lady was there because it was actually meant to be closed. the rest of the city!) she showed me my living space and turns out I have a roomie!
Which of course surprised me because that was the choice I wanted but was told I would have a single place.
Luckily my roomie seems nice and we get an ensuite bathroom as opposed to a shared bathroom! Plus a little kitchenette! ....but my living space is so tiny! :/ I am not sure what to do. I am hoping to see if someone can hold onto my things longer.
I found out the eating area is in the apartment complex across the road. Which is strange but at least it is close!

They gave me a welcome pack and I was kind of surprised by a few of the contents... Kind of scares me about the reputation of my country...

I have lovely male helpers who are wonderful and strong
...and we are going to the best hot choc place everrrrr today. ...and I think Iam being taken out to dinner ^_^

Can't wait to see BRI!

Oh, and I may even have some form of a job interview in the next few days...





  1. Textbooks - go onto the vicbooks website, type your course code into the search bar, and it brings up the textbooks you need. Order & pay online, choose to pickup, and they'll have them all ready for you to pick up at campus. Easy peasy.

    So have you ended up in McKenzies or Cumberland? I thought Cumberland had it's own dining room...

  2. I tried doing that but it didnt recognize any of the course codes...... Today I will go to the book store and see what I need....

    Cumberland, I thought that too, but apparently the dining room is in mckenzies. Once I have settled in I will show you the tiny shoe box I live in. :p.

  3. Lack of sleep...

    Lol, you probably were always busy on the weekends eg working...

    Interesting papers, esp geography of development. You'll have to tell me more about it when you're further through the course...

    Lol, the reputation of our country XP At least that reputation doesn't apply to us :P


    ~Richard :)

  4. Hey there - welcome home. Glad you made it back safe (although, from your last blog, it sounds like it was an adventure).

    So now, Kimmie Possible, back to school for you ;-)

    By the way - now that you are no longer a Disney castmember, does that mean I can send you that Jedi Mickey after all?

  5. Richard:
    Yeah I probably was working or something, true.

    I will write abotu the papers here, plus you can txt m whenever you want ;)

    Donald, seriously by the time you pay for postage you may as well have bought another one haha

    Yes, back to school..
