Saturday, July 23, 2011

Am I into you or is the music to blame?


I started chipping away at my first essay. It's hard but I think I'm slowly getting there...

Yesterday night I DID end up going towning. Yes, how unusual right?

I only knew Bri, but it was ok. The others were nice and the boys even walked me home under Bri's orders haha. :P

We had cocktails at Alice (this place themed like Alice in Wonderland, and you walk down this somewhat creepy allyway [rabbit hole] to get to it!) and then went to the shot shack (yummmmy - chocomint flavour was totally my fav!).

I find it amusing how it always becomes everyone's mission to get me drunk since I hardly drink. Not that it worked, I stayed very sober and boring. :P I really just hate not being in control of myself. >.<

We went dancing for quite some time and by the end of it all my feet were killing me! It was so good to get back to my apartment and sleep!

Today the weather was horrible. So I just chilled with my roomie. She used me as a model again and this time I actally turned out pretty nice. :) I liked the hair-do. It was weird seeing how I would look without freckles. I was kind of like a china doll. Strange... Thoughts?

Pretty much just stayed inside today. I didn't want to step out into the grossness of the wind and rain...

Going to see HP tomorrow. :D


--> title: from Who Owns My Heart?, Miley Cyrus

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