Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Lots to think about...

Hey ya’ll,

I slept well last night. Probably because I was sooo tired. The sad thing is that I found out Hall breakfasts go from 7am to 8am! Which means sleep ins do not exist?! How awful. :( May have to get some muesli/granola bars just incase I sleep in on occasion.

It was my first night staying in my student accommodation (I managed to clear my bed of excess things, yay!) and I’d have to say that even though I was on level 9, it was still noisy! Good thing I am used to Vista Way noise levels, and am armed with earplugs!

My roomie is pretty nice. I found out more about her this morning and she said that the apartment didn’t have anything before she got here. She bought all the cups etc! I thought they were already provided, so I’m happy she did all that since I had to leave a lot behind in America that I would be kicking myself for not bringing if not for her. I may have to buy her a present. ;)

This morning I figured out how to get my GHD (hair straightener) working with a US plug outlet thing. The first attempt went kind of weird but luckily I sorted it out. :P I still have no idea when to use a converter thing and when to just use the different shaped plugs. :/

I had a few hours to kill before uni so I started writing on my wall planner and reading the course outline from my Geo paper. Even though I was wearing a lot of layers I was still freezing. I really am finding this weather hard to deal with.

When I went to walk to uni I decided that I’d rather try the bus out. …and I got a shock because the bus fare is now $1.60! It was $1 when I was here last. Talk about inflation. My goodness. Looks like I will try walk a lot more. Even though its up a killer steep hill through the wind and bitter cold. :/ Toughen up? Yeah, I guess I will have to. …and wear a ridiculous amount of clothing.

I want to get back into dancing…but it’s so expensive and hard to organise around my uni and possible new job (how do I deal with a job I have not quite been confirmed with but not denied? Very strange)

My first lecture was ok. I could barely hear the guy though and he didn’t use any powerpoint or anything. So we just have to strain to hear him and his mumbling. However, from what I COULD hear he sounded pretty intellectual. I really need to grasp what BUREACRACY means (man that word is hard to spell).

My 2nd lecture was strange. I found out we only have 1 two hour lecture a week, so every 2nd Friday I wouldn’t have a lecture. Which is kind of weird… The lady who runs it is nice but somewhat intimidating.
She also has a strange sense of humour because she made the who lecture move to sit next to people with the same birthday month and then told us these people would be our buddies for the rest of the trimester. Not sure why she found that so funny. (Inside an evil laugh, perhaps?) My group is quite mixed but seems pretty nice. Go April! ;)

…I am not liking all the construction that is happening at Vic uni. It makes it so difficult to get everywhere! I feel like I am in a maze all the time.

It’s so hard to get used to these NZ accents everywhere. I don’t know if it is my head but I swear everyone I know sounds different to what I remember. That, and everyone just sounds strange. Maybe I have been around US voices too much but you’d have thought being around a multi-cultural environment all the time meant I wouldn’t have a problem coming back here? :S
Oh and everyone in Welly seems to have a certain way of dressing. I mean it hadn’t changed since I left but it stands out more to me now.

Do you think it’s possible to have disregarded someone who was always there only to re-discover them differently later?

I am quite enjoying NZ pleasures such as pineapple lumps, milky bars, peanut slabs, l&p, lift plus and kiwifruit… Yes, most of those are unhealthy but after not seeing them for so long I feel like I must indulge. :P

I got to hang out with Brrrri a bittoday which was lovely. :) Plus, I saw a few familiar faces around uni which was awesome. :D

I also managed to grab a few things I needed for the apartment since I had money today. :P Also, I hng out with my roomie which was super nice. We both suck at pool but I made us loose against the guy with the sinking of the black ball..oops. :P haha. It's weird how she's oly 17 though. I feel old?

The kitchen people at the Hall catering place are mean and scary. :( I mean why can't I have the vegetarian option? There's lots of it there andhw many vegetarians are comingto claim it?! Meatloaf is such a nasty alternative. Also, instead of yelling at me for doing something I didn't know was a rule, ya could just ask me nicely.... Thankssss. -.-

Things I have re-learnt –
1. some students are seriously gross and vulgar. Ergh.

2. I understand why student go around with music in their ears – they don’t want annoying sales people talking to them all the time. Bank people GET AWAY form me. I really don’t feel like wasting 30mins of my time half listening to you blabber on.

On that note though, one of them did make a good point - about kiwisaver. Apprantly should join that to get the $1000 bonus before apparantly they make it compulsory(therefore getting rid of the bonus incentive)?

After looking through my uni course notes I can see I have lots of work to do….
So I am going to read now!



  1. You get used to the construction :P

  2. Heya :)

    Lol, yeah you should get some milk and cereal. Or just turn up to breakfast in pjs, then go back to bed XP

    Noise-cancelling earphones are also a good option :)

    Your roomie sounds awesome. Moving into my flat this year, most things were already there. Though we could do with a new tin opener and egg beater :/

    The transformer (ie converter thing) is used to go between the two types of AC mains. NZ uses 240V, and the US uses 110V. Most appliances from the US will use 110V power supply, so you need the transformer to use NZ's 240V. However, if it runs on 240V already, then you just need to change the plug.

    Hmmm, you should get a couple of windbreaker-type coats/jackets and a couple of hoodies (I think you have at least two already), along with a scarf, beanie, gloves and some singlets. Wearing all that will help you feel a lot warmer. Also hot drinks too? You have a kettle so you could have cups of tea/coffee.

    Lol, it's awesome having wikipedia at your fingertips - bureaucracy (think of bureau): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bureaucracy

    Lol, maybe I should constantly speak in a French accent next time I'm up :P

    What's noticeable about how NZ dresses? Also, I'm sure UC students would dress a lot differently than Wgtn's CBD :P Some guys skateboard to uni in t-shirts, jeans and jandals XD


    ~Richard :)
