Thursday, July 21, 2011

Where is campus care?!


Today was cool. I mean I didn't get much done but it made me happy. :P


Well, firstly I had a tute and our tutor basically gave us the answers to everything. Which I mean is probably bad but at the same time it was awesome because I didn't have to think. :P

Then I had my POLS lecture and for the first time I actually understood everything that he said! It was remarkable! It made sense too!

Then I had my Geo lecture. :P Before it started I was hoping that my Amercan friend would sit next to me again (what if he didn't show up? What if he wanted to sit elsewhere?). Luckily he did. ...and it ws a great lecture. ESPECIALLY when the lecturer sang a song for us called "The more you know the less you know". Soooo cool. All teachers should sing to their students if they have a descent voice! Yup! :D

Then I got talking to the American guy and we ended up chatting for ages since he didn't have a lecture for a while and I had finished lectures for the day.
It was so cool. :) ...and then I asked if he wanted to go to the Ball event with me and he said yes! Woo! :P So awesome.

Oh! ..and we had an awesome but slightly frustrating adventure!! My Geo friend, who I'll call 'Steven' because I don't know if he'd like me using his real name haha. Anway so Steven was trying to find the place where he was meant to hand in his form. We were directed by about 4 different people. All saying different things. ...making me loose faith in the directional and helpful ability of Wellingonians... Yeeeeah. We were directed all over the place and eventualy gave up when no-one semed to know the answer.

The final place we went was the mail room (of all places)to ask if they knew - and what do you know?! Someone from the place we were looking for was there! ...except he said that we weren' even meant to gto this place, suggested other places and then was like - maybe just take it to the place you are staying. Uhmm. Right. Ok. Give up.

...but we came to the conclusion that campus care was the guy from the mail room. Yup. Solved the mytery. ;) hahaha

After hanging out at the library with Steven Bri called and found out she was at my Hall!
So I quickly had to go meet her.

I showed Bri were I live and then we went out to get 241 cocktails. Only, that was wed and fri....not thursday! Whhhhaaaat?! A year ago it was totally THURSDAY!!!!

So we gave up on that and decided to see if we could find the Warehouse, cos I needed a few things. took ages (and the weather was crappy - was 'spitting' with rain) but we found it eventually!!! ...and bought more than was planning. But that's ok, it was useful and def much cheaper than other places --> I even saw shoes for $2!

So, after that we were totally classy - me with my toilet paper etc haha. ...we couldn't be bothered going back to my apt so we -seriously- went for cocktails with our stuff. LOL. How cool are we?? XD

They even made us a drink that we requested which wasn't even on the menu any more (how things change in year!) It's called Toblerone and it's YUMMY!....because a few staff members there knew what I was talking about and made it for us. :D So good.
...oh, and they didn't check for I.D. Apparantly I definately look over 18... Not sure if that's a good thing? lol :/

So that was great and then Bri caught a bus home and I walked back to my apt to grab dinner.

Then my roomie wanted to ue me as a model since she does hair and makeup school. So she did that and it trned out SCARY. lol. Good thing she is practicing because MAN. We both thought I looked like a drag queen. ...and no, there is NO picture evidence of this! (phew!!)
...but after I took all that off my roomie and I went to see if anywhere had ear drops and sure enough everything in Welly was closed at 8pm and the dairys only had eye drops!!!

Anyway so that was my exciting day!
Got a skype date tomorrow, yay!


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