Wednesday, August 24, 2011

You could be my 'it' girl!

Sua s'dei (that's Cambodian),

So it's the break at the moment. I really need to motivate myself to do the essays etc that are calling my name. Every now and then I do a little bit. ...and I don't have much on at the moment so have time. ...but you know me, I stress out pretty easily. :P

Bri and I got to be hair and make-up models the other day. It took about 4hours but was pretty relaxing...

Ma boyfriend abandoned me for the south island yesterday. I'm sure he'll enjoy that because it's pretty down there. :)
I'll miss the company though.

I had my second shift at Gloria Jeans Coffees. It was MUCH better than the trial day. I had my cheat sheet for making the food wich was my savour (the managers had nevr seen one before, I swear)
Didn't stuff up as much. ...though I did repeat someones order saying 'English tea muffin', but at least she thought it was funny!
My next shifts are the 2nd and 3rd. Which is a quite a break - hopefully I don't forget everything!!!!

I am excited to show Richard the present I got him when he arrives back in Welly!

I think frozen L&P is pretty good, despite popular opinion. I say, try it and make your own mind up.

Hanging out with an old friend today. Should be interesting.

Was thinking of going up to Aucks for a bit next month but will prolly wait till after uni in Nov.


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