Sunday, August 14, 2011

Funny memories come out of nowhere

Hallo! (that's Dutch!)

I've been studying for an exam I have today. Made lots of summaries etc. I understand everything, just hope I can remember it tomorrow!! Hate

It snowed today! In Wellington!!!! So weird! Global cooling?!

Stupid viruses. They are wrecking havoc. My roomie got a super bad one today and it won't let her even go on normal mode without shutting down. :/

Love the breakfasts on Sndays - cooked! Eggs/sausages etc :D yumyum.

My roomie did my make-up avantguard style today. The eyelashes were so heavy and it felt like I couldn't open them properly! It was quite crazy looking...

So I found a book from my 'sweet 16th' where people had a 'page' they could decorate. I found Chris's and one of the things on it is
"Her name is spelt with an extra E. If you forget to add it, she won't be glee"
and that totally cracked me up :P
"Kimberley, she is quite neat, she really doesn't smell of feet" hahaha
"she is the coolest of them all, with hair like leaves of fall"
then also:
"Overall she is super cool, if she she was a queen she would really rule!"

After that I had this weird flashback and I remembered how Chris once wrote me a story via txt. Dad and I were in a traffic jam and he wrote it to me to cheer me up. I remember it was about us going on an adventure. We found treasure and were invited to a banquet and Ball by a King. It was funny. ...and I remember him saying I was pretty in it too. :]

Oh man, what a friend. <3


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