Friday, August 5, 2011

Cleaning makes you feel accomplished

Ma kore! (that's Hebrew, ya'l!)

Went to a protest yesterday. It was exciting because I'd never been to one (or bothered to be passionate enough to want to participate in one!)
It was like my I wa staying true to what I was studying in uni! Politics for the win! :D
Why did this particular protest stand out?
Because the uni is being dumb and wanting to get rid of lots of choice in our INTP/POLS/DEVE programmes - and that drectly affects me! I don't wnt only a few papers to choose from. I don't want the focus to be realism! I quite enjoy the realist papers and ones not on guns and bombs!!
It was more complicated than that too, but I just was angry that they were going to destroy such a reputable pogramme - and destro my majors at the same time.
Blasted bureaucracy! ;) hahaha (oh how I am relating my POLS course to everyday life!)

Soooo I've been workig hard on my POLS assignment and my INTP assignment.

After many edits and research I THINK I have final drafts of them both. Yay! Good thing too, cos they're due next week! Not that I don't have some time, but you know how type A's are, always trying to get all done ASAP so that one can move onto the next task. ...which would be study for the INTP test that's coming up.... :/ Eeek. Considering we only have one lectre a week for that and we've spent a lot of it watching documentarys and the like, I am curious as to how I am going to study for it...

I guess I'll come up with something. The main thing is that a lot of the concepts in that course I've already done before so I can draw on prior knowledge if necessary!

Had a fun night last night with my roomie, her guy and my BF. We went bowling (MAN do I need PRACTICE!!) and had cooktails. Later my BF and I went to see our Geo teacher sing at Hotel Bristol. I was awesome, I love how he plays harmonica! Very passionate.

Went to Zumba with Bri on Wed, had a great time! :D Didn't go to dacing after (don't kill me Richard!) because I was STRESSING out. It was about my INTP assignment. After re-reading it I FREAKED out because I thought I had to re-start it since I hadn't FULLY answered the question. However, after much thought I found a way around it and am now more confident about it. In fact I think my thesis is stronger because it is more refined. Of course, it's not a thesis statement I would fully support in real life (as opposed to essay life ahaha), but I guess I'm playing devils advocate for once. Of course, I can include the other side in my essay also, but basically I'm going to be argueing for what I normally would protest. We shall see how this goes.... I guess as long as I hav an arguement that makes sense it should be good, yeah? I mean people are always debatin both sides of everything....

Ok about to go out shopping to help the BF choose what to wear to the BALL tomorrow!!! Woo!

Omg and super excited that he's taking me on an actual SPECIFIED date sunday. :P There is a difference, right? I mean a DATE is more structured and romantic? I guess you could argue that hanging out could be a date, but the romantic in me says no!!! I like romance, so romance me! ;)
There's a difference, right? Someone back me up here! :P

This song is love at the moment:


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